Saturday, August 20, 2016

The 30 Wear Challenge

Hi all!

This week I have been thinking a lot about my wardrobe.  I saw a post on Instagram about the "30 Wears Challenge", and decided to do a little digging.  It all seems to have started with Livia Firth, wife of actor Colin Firth, who is trying to lead a campaign for more sustainable fashion.  She has suggested that when considering buying an article of clothing, we should ask ourselves, "Will I wear this 30 times?"

While researching this idea, I came across some statistics that were shocking to me:

  • "The average woman keeps a piece of clothing in her wardrobe for only 5 weeks" (
  • "Women generally wear  their clothing only 7 times before disposing of them" (@TheNew_Wardrobe twitter)
  • "The average party top is worn 1.7 times before being discarded" (, Aug. 8, 2016)
There were some other, equally shocking statistics that I can't seem to find now.  It's unbelievable how wasteful we can be in the name of "fashion"! So while I definitely can do better, and will begin asking myself the #30wear question at the store, I decided to highlight a couple articles of clothing in my closet that I have worn at least 30 times.

This navy blue dress is very flattering and has a classic fit/shape that definitely stands the test of time!

Everyone needs a trusty pencil skirt, right?  It's these great, versatile pieces that never go out of style

I've had these jeans since my freshman year of college...that's right, going on 6 years of wears!

 Both of these shirts have been in my closet since high school.  
Definitely go-to shirts for me that I love!

In case you haven't noticed from the Instagram feed, I also have quite a few pieces from thrift stores, and my sisters and I are always swapping clothes when we're done with them.  These are great ways to get even more wears out of an article of clothing and help prolong the life of a garment.

What pieces in your closet have you worn 30 times?  What can you do to sustain the life of your clothing and combat the "fast fashion" waste? We'd love to hear your opinions!


1 comment:

  1. Hmmm...I'm having trouble thinking of anything that doesn't have 30 wears.
